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Does FC have policies or rules that are specific for how shota & lolita figures are classified? I've entered several Insight figures to the database and hope to enter more, but I don't want to run foul of FC's policies. Consider this Insight figure newly put on sale (these links go to NSFW pages):

Insight's official 1/4-scale Anita page Insight's official blog post for Anita Moeyo's picture page of Anita

  1. When making database entries for such items, may the official images (or Moeyo's images) be loaded?
  2. May uncensored images found online be loaded? (Moeyo & Insight apply censors, but other sites might not)
  3. May uncensored images taken by owners be loaded? For example, from Insight, via Moeyo, another NSFW link for a figure with a tail-butt-plug Moeyo's Fuwa Hanamaru page. Are uncensored images taken by owners allowed?

Also, in the interest of self-reporting, I did already load official images of Minmin, but only loaded clothed personal images.

Just wanting to understand FCs rules for posting, and by extension, for articles. I know that, for the healthy growth of the site FC may need to have a system to stop content from being seen by those who take offense to it, and I want to respect those boundaries 😃